Knowing God as “Father”

Lately, every time I’ve stopped the noise of this life, every time I’ve quieted myself or closed my eyes to rest, I hear a gentle whisper in my heart calling me back to the love of my Father. I hear the cross calling me to know the true reason spotless blood was poured out upon it. Jesus didn’t come so I could be restored to God Almighty and worship him forever. After all, every knee will bow before him in the end regardless of any confession of faith here in this life. So what did Jesus come to restore us to? Relationship, not just with “God”, but relationship with His Father, who is to be our Father. Not just as “a” father, nor even as “the” Father, but as “OUR” Father. To personally know him as my own, your own, Father, your Abba. To know Him just as savior, healer, provider, or promise maker (or even promiser keeper) is to fall short of the mark. Jesus made the way with his own life so that we could know God as He knew God, and he said He was one with the Father! We could know him perfectly by al his attributes, but until and unless we know Him as “Father”, we’ve missed the whole thing.

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